Skin friendly essential oil – Helichrysum

If I could add another essential oil to my list of favorites ( lavender being my no.1 ), it would be Helichrysum.


First some facts – I bought this little bottle at my local Sprouts. It is sold in a carrier oil,  jojoba. It has a herbaceous and honey like aroma and as it says on the bottle, it is “restoring” which means it helps skin heal. Even though it was a tad pricey, it is totally worth!

I love this oil for only one reason – skin benefits!

  • Dryness – As temperature and humidity dips in fall and winter, dryness takes over and it can be pretty rough (pun intended) on my skin especially the hands. To combat this I keep a concoction of helichrysum and rose oils using avocado oil as a carrier. All these oils including the jojoba (carrier oil for helichrysum) are extremely soothing and healing for the skin while the rose oil lends its heavenly aroma to the mixture.

My recipe for this is very simple – I add about 4 drops of helichrysum and 6 drops of rose to 200 drops of avocado oil in an amber colored glass bottle with a dropper and massage  3-4 drops into my skin whenever needed. I keep this oil combo on my kitchen counter at room temperature as I discovered early on that it solidifies in the refrigerator.

Other uses of this oil – I have used this on someone with eczema and psoriasis of scalp too and it has worked well.

  • Eczema can creep up with changes in the weather or stress and it leaves the skin inflamed. I use the same recipe mentioned above for healing the rawness using a couple of drops on the area affected.
  • Psoriasis (of scalp) – This is an autoimmune disorder and does not have a cure. You just need to give your skin a lot of TLC! For this I use 2-3 drops of Helichrysum oil alone and massage it into the area especially after a bath when the skin is still soft and absorbent.
  • Anti-aging – It is only natural that an oil with so many skin benefits is also anti-aging! While it helps combat dryness and inflammation, it is believed to work on wrinkles too!